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Serving The Greater Fresno Area Since 1970


Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog

When to Replace an HVAC System

AC-technicianLet’s say that you suddenly had a decent amount of money fall into your lap. You haven’t treated yourself to an indulgent purchase in quite some time. What do you do with this windfall? Chances are that the first option you thought of was not “get a new HVAC system”. Well, it may not be the most exciting purchase that you’ll ever make, but the fact remains that you are going to need to replace your HVAC system at some point. It’s a matter of “when,” not “if”.

So when does it make sense to go ahead and replace your HVAC system? That’s what we’re going to be discussing today. If you have any questions about your options, or if you’ve decided that now is the right time to schedule your Visalia, CA HVAC replacement services, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We’ll make sure that your new system is installed properly and that it’s just what you need to live in the comfort that you deserve.

How’s the Performance Quality?

Have you been diligent in scheduling routine HVAC maintenance? Despite this, does your AC or heater still struggle to perform at the level that you expect from these systems? Just because your HVAC system is operational does not mean that it is necessarily going to operate up to your deservedly high standards. If your system is well-maintained but just isn’t getting the job done, whether due to improper sizing, poor design, or a botched installation, a replacement may be your best or only option for resolving the problem.

Is the System Reliable?

The fact that a professional technician can repair your ailing system does not necessarily mean that your system is actually worth repairing. If you are paying for multiple repairs each year, or if you are looking at a very expensive repair for an old system that likely doesn’t have much time left anyway, you may be better off opting for a replacement instead. It may mean more of an investment upfront, but it can save you a big headache and further costs down the line.

Are You Using the System of Your Own Choosing?

It may seem silly to replace an HVAC system that is working just fine, but if you are not happy with a system that you inherited with the purchase of a home, then that alone is reason enough to consider a replacement. We’re happy to help you explore your HVAC system options, and you can count on Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning to give you the information that you need to choose your replacement system confidently.

We strive to provide honest answers and solutions to the problems our customers experience while remaining highly competitive in price, and offer the fastest turnaround you can find!

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