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Serving The Greater Fresno Area Since 1970


Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog

Don’t Sacrifice Indoor Air Quality for Efficiency This Winter

When it comes to heating one’s home, great efficiency is always a major consideration. You don’t want to be draining your budget just to keep your home warm and comfortable. The fact that our winters are relatively mild around here does not mean that heating your home comes without a price tag.

Unfortunately, many homeowners try to keep their heating bills in check by sealing up their homes as tight as possible. Obviously, you don’t want to allow for unwanted heat transfer, but you also don’t want to cut off the natural ventilation of your home and put your indoor air quality on the chopping block. Using an energy recovery ventilator in Fresno, CA helps to balance great indoor air quality with high energy efficiency.

Recover Energy During the Ventilation Process

So how does one sufficiently heat his or her home while also allowing for proper ventilation, all while also protecting indoor air quality? The answer is simpler than you may imagine. You recover the energy that you used to heat the air in your home during the ventilation process.

The energy recovery ventilator acts as a heat exchanger, basically. It allows you to vent warm, but stale air out of your home. As it brings in fresh, but cool air, though, it transfers the heat from the outgoing air to the incoming air. This essentially pre-heats the air coming in, and that takes an enormous strain off your heating system.

Another benefit of using an ERV is that it also serves to balance humidity between the incoming and outgoing air streams. The air coming into your home during the winter season is likely to be drier than the air leaving the home, especially if you use a whole-house humidifier. The ERV will mingle the airstreams just enough to allow for sufficient humidity to be exchanged. Plus, an energy recovery ventilator serves the same functions in the summer, but in reverse order (with the outgoing air cooling and dehumidifying the incoming stream.

We strive to provide honest answers and solutions to the problems our customers experience while remaining highly competitive in price, and offer the fastest turnaround you can find! Schedule your indoor air quality services with Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning.


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