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Serving The Greater Fresno Area Since 1970

Serving The Greater Fresno Area Since 1970


Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog

Will Your A/C Make It Through A Fresno Summer? Some Clues

California residents are savvy, well-rounded people, and they know how to properly care for and maintain HVAC equipment to get the most for their money. But even with the best maintenance plan, there comes a time when your A/C needs replacing.

Experts estimate the typical lifespan of an air conditioning system at 20 years. However, residents in some parts of the country use air conditioning much more than residents in other areas.  The life expectancy of an A/C that is used for more than five months out of the year–throughout most of the day–is less than for a resident in Wisconsin, who would typically use air conditioning much less than that.

How do you know if your current air conditioning system will make it through another Fresno summer? Take a look at these clues:

  • If your A/C is ten years or older, it could be beneficial to upgrade to a more efficient unit, which can add up to a 20 percent energy savings.
  • When your system requires continual or significant repairs, the A/C probably isn’t operating efficiently anymore. In addition, upgrading could get you a better return on your investment than repairing an older system.
  • Fluctuating room temperatures, such as an isolated room staying hotter than the rest of the home (and vice versa), could indicate that your system is most likely operating inefficiently.
  • Inadequate humidity control is also a sign that an A/C is on its last leg.
  • Unusual and/or loud noises generally suggest an indoor coil malfunction within the A/C.
  • Uncommonly high utility bills during the summer season may indicate a problem and can sometimes be the deciding factor for upgrading equipment.

Use these clues to run your air conditioning through the ultimate test: Is it doing all it should for you and your family? If all signs point to an upgrade, talk to the professionals at Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning. They are available to answer any questions and guide you through the process.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Donald P Dick Air Conditioning services the greater Fresno area in California. To get started, check out our website.

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