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Serving The Greater Fresno Area Since 1970


Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog

Electronic Air Cleaners: Maintenance for Maximum Efficiency

Electronic Air Cleaners: Maintenance for Maximum EfficiencyElectronic air cleaners are a popular item here in the Fresno area. These devices provide whole-house air cleaning or purification to greatly improve indoor air quality. The air cleaning equipment is integrated into your home comfort system to work alongside your air conditioner or furnace. The air cleaner electronically sanitizes the air in your home by removing a variety of harmful airborne irritants. With most pollutants out of circulation, your home environment becomes more comfortable and healthier.

Electronic air cleaners attract and remove airborne contaminants including dust, smoke, pollen, pet dander, bacteria, mold spores, chemical emissions from cleaning fluids, home improvement projects, hobby activities and more. Whole-house electronic air cleaners filter out nine or 10 times more particulates than a standard A/C or furnace filter does. Besides making the air healthier, your home will smell fresher and may even be easier to clean. Don’t rely on your air cleaner to filter out carbon monoxide, however. Make sure you have properly functioning carbon monoxide detectors.

Maintaining your air cleaner

To keep your air cleaner in top shape (between semi-annual preventive maintenance visits from your HVAC technician) you should clean the collector plates. A professional can take care of any other upkeep tasks during your spring and fall heating and cooling system tune-ups.

To clean the collector plates, you generally need only to slide out the plates, wash them, allow them to dry and replace them. Check your manufacturer instruction booklet if in doubt, or call your local HVAC expert for guidance.

Cleaning the collector plates helps maintain energy efficiency and peak performance. If neglected, the plates become clogged and cause the system to work harder, wasting energy. Dirty plates also do a poor job of filtering the air. Check and clean the plates quarterly for best results.

Please bring your questions about air cleaners, filters and maintenance to the home comfort experts at Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning. We’ve been serving the heating and cooling needs of Fresno area residents for more than four decades. Visit our website for valuable HVAC advice, energy-efficiency tips and new product information, or give us a call.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the greater Fresno, California area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about electronic air cleaners and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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