Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘insulation’

Energy-Saving Tips to Boost Your Home’s Efficiency This Spring

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

Energy-Saving Tips to Boost Your Home's Efficiency This SpringHome efficiency is more important than ever, and now is the time to act. Efficiency improvements and upgrades not only save energy dollars, but also reduce your home’s carbon footprint for a healthier environment and cleaner natural resources. Put your efficiency resources to good use this spring, and enjoy the benefits throughout the summer and year-round.

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Regulate Temperature & Control Moisture by Checking Your Attic Ventilation

Thursday, February 12th, 2015

Regulate Temperature & Control Moisture by Checking Your Attic VentilationYour attic space is often forgotten when it comes to climate control, especially if it isn’t habitable. But because heat rises to the attic and can escape in the winter, it’s a key location for managing your home comfort. Ensuring you have proper attic ventilation is one way you can keep your home comfortable and healthy year-round.

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What’s the Best Type of Insulation for My Attic?

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

What's the Best Type of Insulation for My Attic?A properly insulated attic not only improves energy performance, but it also helps your home maintain a comfortable temperature all year-round. Energy Star states that central California homes should add R25 to R38 insulation in attics that are already insulated and R30 to R60 insulation in uninsulated attics. The best type of insulation for your attic depends on the type of insulation already in it, its age and your home’s sun exposure.

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The Types of Insulation That Can Help You Keep Warm or Cool

Thursday, November 20th, 2014

The Types of Insulation That Can Help You Keep Warm or CoolWinter is approaching quickly, which means things are cooling off in the Jan Joaquin Valley. Many of us live here to enjoy the milder climate and to escape the harsh winters of the Midwest and Northeast, but many homeowners forget that proper sealing is still a necessity, even in a warmer region. Insulation is extremely important whether you’re using the furnace or the A/C, as both will run more efficiently in a properly-insulated home. Plus, the house will stay more comfortable in any season with added insulation.

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Time to Assess the Insulation in Your Attic

Thursday, November 6th, 2014

Time to Assess the Insulation in Your AtticAir leaks and poor insulation in the attic will make it more difficult to keep your home cool during the summer and warm in the winter. While air leaks allow conditioned air to escape and hot or cold air to infiltrate your home in winter and summer, respectively, inadequate or missing insulation allows heat to transfer in and out. Both issues force your HVAC system to work harder to compensate. Before the cool fall weather arrives, assess the insulation in your attic to determine if it needs more.

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How to Lower Heat Gain in Your Home

Thursday, August 14th, 2014

Sweltering summer heat is no stranger to Fresno residents. Heat gain can heat up the house unnecessarily, making your air conditioner work harder. By using practices that reduce the amount of heat that accumulates inside your home, you’ll enjoy lower energy bills and temperatures that feel comfortable throughout the summer.

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If Conserving Energy Is a Concern, Follow These Tips for Changing Your Ways

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

If Conserving Energy Is a Concern, Follow These Tips for Changing Your WaysWe’re all hearing a lot about conserving energy lately, and many people, including homeowners in the San Joaquin Valley, are trying to devise strategies for conserving energy that will save both money and the environment. With lots of conflicting information, it can be challenging to figure out how to change your lifestyle. If you’re concerned about conserving energy, here are some tips to help get you started:

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What’s Your Insulation R-Value?

Thursday, June 12th, 2014

What's Your Insulation R-Value?Whether you are heating or cooling your home in the Fresno area, the quantity and quality of the insulation in the walls, floors and ceilings will heavily influence the amount you pay for conditioning your home. To keep your utility bills reasonable, you should make sure that the insulation in your home meets the minimum insulation R-value for the local climate.

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Signs Your Ductwork Is Too Old to Do the Job

Tuesday, January 28th, 2014

Signs Your Ductwork Is Too Old to Do the JobIs your ductwork beginning to show its age? That often happens much sooner than homeowners expect, since price often takes priority over quality in builders’ minds when it comes to air ducts. Since a deteriorating air duct system can reduce your home’s energy efficiency, it will increase your energy bills, and can cost you in terms of home comfort and indoor air quality as well. So how do you know whether your ductwork needs replacement?

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Mold and Mildew Growth: A Real Indoor Air Quality Issue for Homeowners

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014

Maintaining good air quality in your home is crucial to protecting your family’s health. Among the common threats to the clean air in your home are mold and mildew. These organisms may be lurking in your home in places unseen, and endangering your family’s health, but you can take a few simple steps to protect yourself from this threat.

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