Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘several factors’

What Goes Into Expert Ductwork Design And Installation

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Each component of your home’s heating and cooling system must be expertly designed and installed in order to function well and get energy-saving results. One component of that system is the ductwork. It’s the system that distributes air to the home after the heating or cooling system conditions that air.

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Upgrading Or Servicing Your Air Conditioner? Cooling Concepts You Should Know

Tuesday, August 16th, 2011

As a San Joaquin Valley homeowner, you’re probably no expert in cooling/heating. This makes it hard to know when those little problems arise whether your system simply needs servicing or whether you should consider an upgrade. There are several factors that can cause the air inside your home to be less comfortable than it should be. Other factors can affect indoor air quality. Nearly any problem could mean that you are paying more in energy costs than you should be.

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