Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Solar’ Category

What’s the Best Month to Get Solar Panels Installed?

Monday, April 8th, 2024

In recent years, solar energy has emerged as a leading solution for sustainable power generation. As concerns about climate change and energy costs continue to rise, more homeowners are turning to solar panels to reduce their carbon footprint and save on utility bills. 

If you’re considering making the switch to solar, one of the key questions you might have is: “When is the best time of year to get solar panels installed?” In this article, we’ll explore the optimal timing for the installation of solar panels in Fresno, CA.

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What You Can Use Solar Energy For

Monday, December 5th, 2022

We get plenty of sunshine here in California. It makes sense then, especially with rising energy costs, that you might want to see if you can get this natural resource to provide you with some extra legwork.

Solar energy and solar technology have only improved in the past couple of decades. If you haven’t considered adding solar systems to your home before, then now may be a great time to do so.

Read on to learn more about your options for solar services in Fresno, CA to see if today is the day that you want to get more from our abundance of sunshine.

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Using Solar Power To Help Your HVAC Energy Bills

Monday, September 12th, 2022

solar-techniciansIn the state of California, there is probably one resource we are never short on and that is sunlight. Most parts of our state have more than 250 days of sunshine throughout the year on average! So, why not make the most of that sunshine?

While we aren’t discouraging you from getting out of the house and enjoying the nice weather, that isn’t exactly what we are talking about here. Instead, we want you to think about putting the radiant energy that comes from sunlight to use to subsidize your home’s energy needs.

That’s right, we want to talk about using solar power in Fresno to keep your HVAC and overall energy bills more affordable.

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What Can You Use Solar Energy For?

Monday, July 5th, 2021

sunlight-and-solar-panelsOur area gets a good deal of sunlight throughout the year. We know how powerful solar energy can be so if it is shining bright outside, why not use it?

Solar panels in Fresno, CA are a worthwhile investment. This addition to the modern home has the ability to provide you with a renewable and sustainable resource for energy. However, if you are considering solar panels but aren’t sure what you’d use them for, we can help give you some great ideas.

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“What Can I Use Solar Energy For?”

Monday, April 13th, 2020

sunlight-and-solar-panelsDid you know that, out of the 365 days of the year, at last 271 of those days are filled with sunshine in Fresno, CA? It’s true! This doesn’t always mean it’s warm but it does mean that, for more than half the year, our city is bathed in light from the sun.

Of course, when you live somewhere with that much sunshine, you should be able to take advantage of it a little to improve your life, and we don’t mean by suntanning more often. We are actually talking about putting that sunlight to work for you with solar panels in Fresno, CA.

If you are wondering how solar panels work and what they can be used to power in your home, we can give you the answers you are looking for.

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3 Cost Benefits of Solar Energy

Monday, October 14th, 2019

solar-panelsSolar power has been a prominent subject of discussion in California as of late, especially as the state moves forward in its plan to require all new homes to be built with solar panels starting in 2020. If there was ever a place to do this though, California is the state for it. As we all know, Fresno alone gets over 200 days of sun per year, making it a perfect place to enjoy the benefits of solar panels.

The question people pose when discussing solar energy is, of course, the cost. We still relate the idea of solar panel installation and operation with high expenditures. The reality is that this is no longer the case. While solar might have a slightly higher price tag initially, it actually saves homeowners more money in the long run.

We want to give you some information on the benefits of using solar panels for your home’s energy needs. If you want to take advantage of these benefits, we would love to help you set up an appointment for solar installation.

If you are wondering if solar panels are worth the cost, we want to assure you they are. In fact, they will help you save more money than you spend on them over time. Here are three big cost benefits that come with using solar panels in Fresno, CA:

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How Do Solar Panels Work?

Monday, December 10th, 2018

solar-and-sunnyYou see them everywhere. Many people are moving towards eco-friendly energy options. Homeowners are now opting for solar panel installation for their home’s electrical needs. Adding solar panels to homes has become a popular way to take advantage of an endless energy source, and it can cut electric bills by up to 70%! There are so many benefits to installing solar paneling for your home, especially here in sunny California. Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning offers a wide range of solar panel services in Madera!

If you have found yourself reading this blog, it is most likely because you are curious about the science behind solar panels, so let’s start with the basics. Solar energy is derived from the sun’s radiation. The sun is a powerful energy source, and its energy can be harnessed by solar panels. We typically place solar panels on the roof because it is where they often obtain maximum sunlight exposure, though freestanding installations are also common. Solar energy is a renewable energy source. This means that it is endless, and we can’t run out of it. Solar energy will be accessible as long as the sun continues to shine!

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What Can Solar Energy Be Used For?

Monday, October 15th, 2018

solar-and-sunnyClean energy is more and more of a focus for homeowners these days. While the move away from fossil fuels toward alternative energy sources has been controversial, to say the least, we are proud to provide outstanding solar energy system services to those homeowners looking to make their residences cleaner and greener. Even as interest in using solar energy continues to grow, there are still a lot of questions about just how these systems work.

There are also a lot of questions among homeowners about not just how these systems work, but what exactly solar energy can be used for. Today, we are going to look at the practical applications of solar energy in the residential sector. Just keep in mind that using solar energy reliably and effectively is not a given. You need more than great equipment, including quality solar panels in Fresno, CA. You also need great solar energy technicians to install and service that equipment, so leave the work to us!

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Why Invest in Solar Technology?

Monday, June 11th, 2018

solar-techniciansIf you subscribe to the old adage that variety is the spice of life, then right now is a very spicy time to be alive indeed! Whatever project you are looking to complete around the house, it seems like there are more and more options to consider now than ever before. This is certainly the case when it comes to how you choose to heat and cool your home. Did you realize that you have options when it comes to how you power your home too, though?

Solar energy systems are definitely more popular than ever, and today we are going to look at why that is. After doing so, you may just start to realize that a solar energy system is right for you. The great news is that reading this means that you have already found the company to work with when you decide to take the plunge and install solar panels in Fresno, CA—along with the rest of the equipment that a solar energy system requires.

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Do Solar Panels Ever Need Repairs?

Monday, March 5th, 2018

question-markSolar panels, for as impressive as their technology may be, are fairly simple in terms of basic mechanics. They are installed in a solar array in the yard, or right up on top of your houses on the roof. Then, well, they just kind of sit there and suck up the sun’s energy. The fact that there are not a lot of motors and gears that can wear down and break does not mean that your solar panels in Fresno, CA are never going to require repairs, however.

In fact, they most likely will require repairs at some point. If and when they do, you are really going to want to get your solar panels back on track as quickly as possible. Even if your house is not totally off the electrical grid, you don’t want to just wait on repairs and wind up missing out on the benefits that led you to invest in solar panels in the first place, right?

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