Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

Musty Smell Coming From Central A/C Vents? Here’s Why

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Have you noticed a musty smell wafting from your central AC vents? This unpleasant odor can not only make your home uncomfortable but also indicate underlying issues within your air conditioning system. 

Addressing this problem promptly is crucial for maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment. In this blog post, we’ll explore how HVAC in Fresno can cause moldy, musty, and bad odors in your home, and what you can do about it.

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Your Filter Can Make or Break Your AC Operation

Monday, September 27th, 2021

air-filterThere are plenty of problems that your Fresno, CA HVAC system can run into within the course of a year, let alone over the entire course of its lifespan. Those problems can, of course, leave you uncomfortable on the hottest or coldest of days. It may be good to know that there is a relatively easy task that you can do in order to help protect your air conditioner and your heater as well.

We are discussing the importance of changing out your air filter. There isn’t much you can do without the help of an expert contractor to take care of your AC unit. Changing the system filter however is the easiest and safest thing you can do to improve your system performance and efficiency.

We’ll get into the different details about this below.

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How Your IAQ and Your AC Work Together

Monday, September 13th, 2021

The quality of air in your home is something of a “partner” to your AC system in the effort to keep you comfortable. What we mean by this is that the better your air quality indoors the better your AC will work. That makes it easy to say that keeping your indoor air quality optimal is important. The question is how exactly you go about doing that.

Indoor air quality assistance is another HVAC service in Fresno, CA that our team provides because we know that temperature control and air quality go hand in hand. Let us explain a bit more about how the air in your home can help or hinder the effectiveness of your AC.

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Tips for Choosing a New AC Unit

Monday, August 2nd, 2021

outdoor-AC-unitsAre you in the market to buy a new air conditioner for your home? Do you need help selecting the right solution for air conditioning in Reedley, CA

Given that buyers have so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to select the right AC. You also need to take into account how much space you have, whether you have ductwork in your home or not, and much more.

Let’s review some of the selection criteria for buying a new AC unit so you can go into it feeling a bit more prepared.

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How to Tell If Your AC Is in Trouble

Monday, April 26th, 2021

Before your AC breaks down, it will send you warning signals that tell you when there is a problem. Knowing these signs will allow you to book timely appointments with an AC technician and avoid further damage. 

But what are these encrypted signs that your air conditioner sends out?

This blog tells it all. You may want to look out for the signs below if you wish to increase your AC’s lifespan, lower the electricity bill, and avoid extensive costs due to breakdowns:

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Repair or Replace: How to Tell What Service You Need

Monday, October 26th, 2020

ac-moneyLiving in California means that you need to have a reliable cooling system to keep your home livable. After all, this is one of those places that can see a random heatwave in the middle of winter. Your Madera, CA air conditioning system sees a lot of action throughout the year which can wear it down.

An AC system that has seen its fair share of use this year may need repairs or, worse, it may need to be replaced. However, the question that you may have is how to tell which service you need. Our professionals can help answer that question and provide the services to address your home’s AC system needs.

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Do You Need a Dehumidifier?

Monday, October 12th, 2020

woman-electric-fanThe heat here in California seems to have plans for sticking around a while longer. With that said, it goes a long way to do whatever is possible to ensure that you can keep your home cool and comfortable until things finally cool off. A factor that can have a large impact on this home comfort level is going to be the level of moisture in your home.

That’s right, we are discussing humidity, or at least dealing with high levels of humidity. High humidity in your home is going to be a problem for your comfort. This is because it can make it harder for your air conditioner to do its job. Thankfully, there is a solution to this problem.

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How an Air Filter Helps Your AC System

Monday, September 28th, 2020

air-filterThere are so many different parts to your air conditioning system, from the ductwork to the blower motor to the electrical wiring. With all these different intricate parts, the importance of your air filter often gets brushed under the rug. However, your air filter is incredibly important and it can be the thing that can make or break your system’s operation and efficiency. It is also one of the easiest things to keep an eye on and change out to keep the air flowing freely through your AC unit.

If you are looking for ways to help improve the system for your HVAC service in Fresno, CA, you can start with your filter. Let us explain why.

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The Size Of Your AC Matters

Monday, August 17th, 2020

AC-topviewThere are plenty of factors that are involved in getting a new air conditioner installed in your home. When you get a new system installed you want to make sure that you get a professional to come by to perform this air conditioning service in Fresno, CA. A professional will know exactly how to get your new AC unit connected to your ducts, properly settled, and also correctly sized.

Now when we talk about properly sizing a system, you may not realize how important this is. Size matters when it comes to your air conditioning system.

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How Basic Maintenance Protects Your AC

Monday, May 28th, 2018

tools-on-ACIf you have read our blog before, then you have no doubt seen us touting the virtues of professional air conditioning maintenance. So why are we bringing it up again? Because a new cooling season is upon us, and some information simply bears repeating. At the end of the day, the facts are clear. If you want to get the most efficient and effective performance possible from your air conditioner, then you need to schedule annual AC maintenance with qualified technicians.

Another benefit of routine maintenance is that it keeps the need for air conditioning repair in Visalia, CA at bay. Now,  it is important to note that you cannot expect your air conditioner to work with 100% reliability. That simply is not possible. However, you can expect your air conditioner to function as reliably as possible when it is properly maintained. By scheduling service with the pros on our team, you’ll be able to cool your home with well-earned confidence. 

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