Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Maintenance’

The Link Between AC Repair and Maintenance

Monday, May 6th, 2024

In the scorching heat of summer, your trusty air conditioning system becomes your best ally, ensuring your comfort, safety, and well-being indoors. However, like any complex machinery, air conditioners require regular maintenance to keep them running smoothly and efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll explore the crucial link between maintenance and air conditioning repair in Visalia, CA, shedding light on how investing in maintenance can save you from costly repairs down the road.

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Book Your AC Maintenance Today

Monday, March 14th, 2022

condenserWould you try your hand at running a marathon without ever training beforehand? We’d hope you would say no, especially since doing so can lead to a high risk of injury. The same reasoning behind this is why you should book air conditioning maintenance in Fresno.

Maintenance is like training before the marathon. This service helps to prepare your air conditioner for the hard work ahead of it during the summer season. While the heat hasn’t quite hit our area, now is a great time to get your system maintenance taken care of. Let’s talk about why!

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It Isn’t Too Late To Get an AC Tune-Up

Monday, June 21st, 2021

AC-unitThis last weekend was…hot. Plain and simple. And if you hadn’t been using your AC before, you certainly are now. Maybe the heatwave took you by surprise though and you realize now that your AC hasn’t gotten its yearly tune-up. It isn’t too late to get that service taken care of!

When it comes to air conditioning service in Fresno, CA you need to make sure you work with a professional team like ours. Our team can offer you expert maintenance for your air conditioning system, even if it is a little later than usual. After all, your system can still benefit from late maintenance.

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Make Sure Your AC System is Ready!

Monday, March 30th, 2020

outdoor-AC-unitsThe sun is taking up more of the day again as we delve deeper into spring. While mornings and nights are still pretty cold, there are some days that we have seen pretty warm temperatures, so much so that it may be prompting you to wonder if you may need your air conditioning system in the near future.

Before you kick on your cooling unit though, ask yourself whether you are sure that it is in the best condition to do its job efficiently or not. If you haven’t gotten your yearly scheduled AC maintenance in Fresno, CA, it is likely that, even if your system runs throughout the summer it will be at a higher cost to both you and your AC’s lifespan.

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Here’s a Tip: Replace Your Air Filter!

Monday, April 29th, 2019

Hopefully, by now, you’ve learned to trust the things we say in our blog. Our tips and tricks are meant to save you money, boost energy efficiency, and teach you the ins and outs of the HVAC industry. And now that summer is approaching, today is a great day to read all about the ways to get the most out of your air conditioning system. Trust us, when temperatures soar, you’ll be glad you stumbled across this blog.

This week, we are going to let you in on a little secret…

Okay, it’s not actually a secret. But, what we are going to do is stress the importance of regularly changing out your air filter during the summer. It’s a simple way to ensure that you get the most out of your system. In fact, there are plenty of ways that a clean air filter will benefit you. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of a clean air filter. 

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That Time Already? Schedule Your AC Tune-Up Now!

Monday, April 15th, 2019

don't-forgetSummer is fast approaching, and that means that now is the perfect time to stock up on sunscreen, plan your weekend getaway, and of course, schedule your air conditioning maintenance services. Sure, annual maintenance services might not sound nearly as fun as planning your vacation, but it is important nonetheless. In fact, your annual inspection and tune-up are super important when it comes to ensuring that your AC is equipped to keep you cool and comfortable all summer long, so don’t wait!

Of course, it is always better to be ahead of the game if possible. Therefore, scheduling your AC services now is the best way to go if you wish to enjoy a comfortable and efficient summer. And in case you are not yet convinced, we have listed just some of the many reasons why it best to schedule your services now rather than waiting until the last minute. Keep reading below to find out more. 

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How Basic Maintenance Protects Your AC

Monday, May 28th, 2018

tools-on-ACIf you have read our blog before, then you have no doubt seen us touting the virtues of professional air conditioning maintenance. So why are we bringing it up again? Because a new cooling season is upon us, and some information simply bears repeating. At the end of the day, the facts are clear. If you want to get the most efficient and effective performance possible from your air conditioner, then you need to schedule annual AC maintenance with qualified technicians.

Another benefit of routine maintenance is that it keeps the need for air conditioning repair in Visalia, CA at bay. Now,  it is important to note that you cannot expect your air conditioner to work with 100% reliability. That simply is not possible. However, you can expect your air conditioner to function as reliably as possible when it is properly maintained. By scheduling service with the pros on our team, you’ll be able to cool your home with well-earned confidence. 

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Running Irregularly?

Monday, May 14th, 2018

AC-technicianOnce the heat of summer really gets back into full swing, is your air conditioning system going to be there for you in order to keep your home cool and comfortable? Obviously, investing in good equipment and keeping that equipment well-maintained by scheduling annual tune-ups is going to give your system a good fighting chance. The truth is, however, that even the best and most well-maintained systems will stumble from time to time.

Now, an air conditioner that won’t start up at all or that is pumping hot air into your home is an air conditioner that is obviously in need of professional air conditioning repair services. There are plenty of instances in which you may need AC repairs in Madera that aren’t quite as obvious, though. An AC that is running irregularly is certainly one of them. Just don’t fool yourself into thinking that such problems are “minor” enough to wait on.

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Now Is a Great Time for That AC Tune-Up

Monday, April 2nd, 2018

AC-topviewThe last thing that you want to do is go into another long, hot summer season unprepared. What does preparing for the summer mean? Different things for different people. Maybe you’ve got a lot of trips planned out, or you just want to play it mostly by ear. One step of preparation that everyone in this area should take, though, is scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance in Hanford, CA. The benefits of doing so and the risks of not doing so are too great to overlook.

Annual air conditioning maintenance will only be as beneficial as possible to you, of course, if you remember to schedule this vital service with skilled, trained professionals. That is why we urge you to leave your AC tune-ups to a member of our team. Be sure to give us a call before the heating season really sets in. That way, your air conditioner will not be caught off-guard when the hottest weather of the year arrives.

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Is There a Clean Filter in Your Air Conditioner?

Monday, June 12th, 2017

changing-air-filterIf not, you had better get one in there sooner than later! As you may know — and certainly know, if you’ve visited our blog before — routine air conditioning maintenance is an absolute necessity for the homeowner looking to get the most from his or her air conditioning system. What you may not realize, though, is that, while we do generally dissuade DIY service attempts, there is one important task that you really should be handling on your own. That is changing the air filter in your air conditioner in Madera, CA.

Changing the air filter is a very simple thing to do, but it is one that can also have immensely positive effects on your air conditioning system and your comfort level. Keep the following information in mind for the next time you decide to skip a filter change. Remember, these types of filters typically need to be swapped out every 1-3 months, so you cannot wait for yearly maintenance to have the job done.

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