How to Choose the Right Heating Technician

December 4th, 2023

When something is very important to your well-being and comfort, it should be taken quite seriously, and you should make careful choices about the people who help you keep it in good condition. If you needed a doctor, you wouldn’t call on any random person who said, “hey, I know how to fix people.” You’d make sure they were qualified first!

The same should be true of the people you trust with your heating system. A furnace or heater is a big investment, and it’s not something you should take risks with. How can you choose the right heating technician? What qualifications should they have? Here are our recommendations.

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5 Quiet Signs of Furnace Malfunction

November 20th, 2023

One of the most obvious signals that a furnace is having trouble is when it makes a new or unexpected noise. But not all furnace problems are noisy. Without that audible alert to an issue, it’s harder to tell that something’s wrong. When a furnace has a silent problem, you’ll know that it’s time for repair if you spot one of these five warning signs. 

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A Guide to Your Furnace’s Efficiency

November 6th, 2023

Heating and cooling comprise the majority of energy use in American homes. This means it has a more significant environmental impact than any other use of energy as well as a bigger impact on our bank accounts. It also means this is the area where paying attention to efficiency can have the greatest effect.

Being armed with as much knowledge as possible will help you to have the tools to improve the efficiency of your home. As we move into cooler weather, what should we know about furnace efficiency, and how can we maximize it? Here’s the information you need.

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Fight Allergies and Mold With an Air Purifier

October 23rd, 2023

As the holiday season approaches, full of indoor gatherings and celebrations with lots of people breathing the same air, you might be wondering: what exactly is in this air we’re breathing? If we’re indoors so much of the time (statistically, Americans are indoors more than 90% of the time) is there anything we can do to avoid breathing things that make us sick?

Allergies are very common. Respiratory symptoms, even without a specific allergy, can be caused by breathing a wide variety of contaminants. Mold is one of the biggest culprits. With an air purifier, you can dramatically cut down on the allergens and mold spores in your air. You and the people you love will be healthier.

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Late Repairs Are Still a Great Idea

October 9th, 2023

We’re getting to that time of year when air conditioners are getting less and less usage. If you’ve been concerned about an issue with your AC, you’re probably relieved. If you don’t need to use the unit, you don’t need to get it repaired now, right?

Getting AC repairs, and even general maintenance, in the fall is actually your best bet. Here are some reasons to consider getting AC service now.

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Better Prepare for the Next Heatwave

September 25th, 2023

As we reach the end of the summer, it’s a good time to reflect on how well our HVAC system coped with the heat we faced. Did your business or commercial building struggle with overheating during heat waves? What can you do to be better prepared next summer?

We’ve got some information for you about how to get the most out of your commercial HVAC system. Keep these things in mind, and your building will fare better the next time extreme heat strikes.

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Why Your Open Windows Are Causing Problems

September 11th, 2023

Your air conditioner tries its hardest. It’s not an easy job, keeping a home cool all summer in California! Be kind to your AC unit. Don’t do anything to make extra work for it. We hear you: of course you wouldn’t do that! But sometimes people don’t realize that a choice they’re making is causing trouble for their air conditioning. So let’s talk about your windows. Are you leaving them open? On behalf of your air conditioner, we beg you, don’t do it! Here’s why.

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5 Heatwave Tips

August 28th, 2023

We hope you had your regular maintenance done on your heat pump or air conditioner before summer started. It’s the best way to decrease wear and tear, helping with efficiency, cooling performance, and keeping your system running for as long as possible while requiring few repairs. But the fact is, it’s been a while since that maintenance took place, and it’s still very hot outside. What can you do to help your air conditioner or heat pump cope with a heatwave in late summer? Here are five tips that can make a big difference.

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How Extensive Is AC Replacement?

August 14th, 2023

Is your air conditioner on its last legs? Has it been performing poorly? Does it need a too-expensive repair? Is it getting on in age? You might be wondering exactly what would be involved in getting a new one. What is the process of AC replacement like? How long does it take? What can you do to keep it simpler? We’ve got the details for you.

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3 Signs of Quality Commercial HVAC Contractors

July 17th, 2023

Your commercial building deserves the best. This means a top-notch HVAC system, so the people who are in the building every day will be happy, comfortable, and productive. And if your HVAC system is going to be the best that it can be, you also need a top-notch commercial HVAC service to install the system, do regular maintenance, and be available any time there is a problem.

How can you tell if a commercial HVAC contractor will be everything your building requires? Here are 3 signs of a reliable contractor you can count on. 

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