Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘air conditioning repair’

Why Does My Air Conditioner Keep Turning On and Off?

Monday, March 20th, 2017

working-on-air-conditionerNow that it is officially spring, many homeowners throughout the area and, indeed, throughout the country are looking forward to the summer season. Hot temperatures, fun days at the beach, and everything else that comes along with summer is too enticing to just force it out of one’s mind. Just remember that, summers around here being as hot as they are, you really need to know that your AC is going to function at peak performance and efficiency levels if you want to get through the hottest time of the year unscathed. This is simply not going to be possible if your air conditioner is short cycling.

Sometimes, people think the fact that their ACs are running at all means that they are running properly. This could not be further from the truth. If your air conditioner in Fresno, CA is starting up, running only briefly, and then cycling back down quickly, then it is short cycling. This type of operation will take a toll over time, and in a number of different. But why does short cycling occur?

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My Air Conditioner Is Making Alarming Sounds

Monday, July 25th, 2016

The heat of summer is something that most of in this area really love. It’s a lot easier to get out there and enjoy the most intense heat of the summer season, though, when we have comfortable homes to return to at the end of the day. If you want to ensure that your AC is able to provide that type of environment to you reliably, you need to have it professionally serviced and repaired when you notice any irregularities with its performance.

One of the most obvious warning signs of potential trouble is the development of strange operational sounds. If your AC is sounding different than usual, call our number immediately. We’ll make sure that any necessary air conditioning repairs in Kingsburg, CA are completed correctly.

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