Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

What Causes an AC to Short Cycle?

Monday, October 16th, 2017

man-air-filterNo rest for the wicked, they say, but the same could apply to our air conditioners here in California. Now, the idea of a hot and sunny climate year round is one that those of us living here in California know to be a falsehood. We do have pretty mild winters, though, and our air conditioners have a lot of work to do during our long, hot summer seasons. That is why any sign of trouble with your home cooling system should definitely be taken seriously.

If your air conditioner is short cycling — meaning that it is starting up, but running only briefly before shutting back down — then you very well may need professional air conditioning repair in Fresno, CA. However, it is also possible that there is a very simple solution to the problem. In today’s post, we are going to fill you in on what could be behind your air conditioner’s atypical operation. Short cycling can cause serious problems, so keep this info in mind.

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Are your AC Coils Dirty?

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

evaporator-coilHopefully not, because this seemingly minor detail in the grand scheme of things can lead to some very serious issues with your system. The coils in your air conditioner may not be components that are very familiar with, but if they are dirty then they will definitely let you know about it. Keeping these coils clean is something that some homeowners may feel comfortable doing themselves. Having them professionally cleaned, though, particularly as part of your annual AC maintenance regimen, is really the way to go.

In today’s post, we are going to talk about what these coils do, why it’s so important, and how the accumulation of grime and debris on them will negatively affect your system and your comfort – not to mention your budget. Read on, and remember that we’re here to handle any air conditioning services that you may need. From basic coil cleanings to thorough maintenance and repairs, our team does it all.

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AC Repair FAQ: Do I Have a Refrigerant Leak?

Monday, August 21st, 2017

AC-technician-workingEven the best air conditioning systems can be expected to encounter operational problems from time to time. Some of these problems are more serious than others, of course, and the refrigerant leak is one of the most serious of all. Refrigerant leaks can do serious, sometimes irreversible damage to air conditioners over time. They can also be tough to recognize, especially if you don’t know what it is that you are looking. That’s a bad combination, but we’re here to help.

Today, we’d like to share with you some of the warning signs that your air conditioner may be leaking refrigerant. Remember to schedule air conditioning repairs in Clovis, CA at the first sign of trouble with your system. Your air conditioner does not need to break down entirely for repairs to be justified, nor should you let the system get to that point before taking the initiative to have it repaired. And now, some tips to help you recognize a refrigerant leak in your system.

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AC Repair FAQ: Why Is There Ice on My System?

Monday, August 7th, 2017

question-markYou do not have to be an air conditioning expert to understand the purpose that your air conditioning system serves. It is there to keep your home cool and comfortable no matter how hot out it may get, right? Right. Well, it is precisely this understanding of the situation that can lead to some confusion among homeowners. Yes, your air conditioner is there to effectively and dependably cool your home. At no point, however, should your air conditioning system be generating ice.

An air conditioner is not a freezer, and it should not be producing ice at any point during its cooling process. We often receive calls from homeowners concerned about ice on their air conditioning systems, as well as from those wondering where the water that is freezing comes from, anyway. After all, air conditioners don’t use water to cool homes! In today’s post, we will answer all of these questions for you, while reminding you once again why prompt AC repairs in Clovis, CA are so important. 

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3 Signs That You Need Air Conditioning Repairs

Monday, July 24th, 2017

cautionWe are here in the home stretch of July, and that means that your air conditioner in Visalia, CA has been putting in a lot of hard work as of late. Of course, we’re also only in the home stretch of July, and that means that your air conditioning system still has a lot of work to do before the hottest time of the year has passed. If you are serious about living out the remainder of the intense cooling season in comfort, then you cannot afford to ignore signs of trouble with your air conditioner.

Now, you can hardly be blamed for “ignoring” any such signs of trouble if you don’t know what those signs of trouble look like to begin with. That is why we’ve put together a brief primer to help you recognize some early warning signs that your AC is struggling. When it comes to scheduling air conditioning repair service, sooner is always better than later.

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

Monday, July 10th, 2017

question-markIf your washing machine left a puddle on the floor, or your water heater sprang a leak, you probably would not be confused by the development. Annoyed, yes. Aggravated, sure. It makes sense that these systems might develop such a leak at some point, though, because these systems use and contain water. Your air conditioning system does not, though, so the development of a water leak is something that catches many homeowners off guard.

While your air conditioner does not use water in its operation, and this water may not be the result of a “leak” in the way that you may be thinking of one, it is still entirely possible for your AC to be the source of the water on the floor surrounding it. Today we’ll look at a few potential problems that could be behind this perplexing symptom. Read on, and remember that we are here to assist you with any necessary AC services in Hanford, CA.

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Why Is My AC Blowing Warm Air?

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

How Do You Determine What Size Your Tankless Water Heater Should Be?Now that the chilliest days and nights of the year are behind us once more, many homeowners are turning their minds to their air conditioners. When the temperatures really heat up in this area, there is just no way to live in comfort without a great air conditioner working at peak performance levels in your home. That is why any problems with your air conditioner are of such serious concern. Perhaps with the exception of a total breakdown, the most obvious cause of air conditioning trouble is a system that is blowing warm air.

If you have warm air coming from your AC vents, you need to contact a member of our team right away. The longer that you wait to do so, the worse off your comfort and very likely your system will be. Don’t let manageable problems turn into very serious headaches due to inaction on your part. We’re here to guarantee that your air conditioning repairs in Fresno, CA are completed properly.

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Why Does My Air Conditioner Keep Turning On and Off?

Monday, March 20th, 2017

working-on-air-conditionerNow that it is officially spring, many homeowners throughout the area and, indeed, throughout the country are looking forward to the summer season. Hot temperatures, fun days at the beach, and everything else that comes along with summer is too enticing to just force it out of one’s mind. Just remember that, summers around here being as hot as they are, you really need to know that your AC is going to function at peak performance and efficiency levels if you want to get through the hottest time of the year unscathed. This is simply not going to be possible if your air conditioner is short cycling.

Sometimes, people think the fact that their ACs are running at all means that they are running properly. This could not be further from the truth. If your air conditioner in Fresno, CA is starting up, running only briefly, and then cycling back down quickly, then it is short cycling. This type of operation will take a toll over time, and in a number of different. But why does short cycling occur?

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What Can Lead to Ice Forming on My AC?

Monday, August 29th, 2016

Do you have ice on your air conditioning system? If so, it is important to realize that this is not a sign of your AC working a bit too effectively. Instead, it is a sign that there is actually something wrong with your home cooling system.

There are a few different issues that could cause ice to develop on your air conditioner in Madera, CA. Whatever the precise nature of the problem may be, you can count on our technicians to resolve it properly. Contact us the moment that you notice that your air conditioner is icing up.

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Is My Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

Monday, August 15th, 2016

It is entirely possible that you will discover that there is water pooling around your air conditioner at some point. While this is certainly an alarming scenario, and one that may result in water damage to your property, it’s not exactly a “leak” the way you may be thinking of one. This is because, simply, water is at no point used in the cooling process, and your system does not include water the way that it does refrigerant. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you are imagining the problem.

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