Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘heaters’

Signs That It’s Time for Heating Repairs

Monday, November 12th, 2018

HVAC return air vent near floorHere in California, the heat of summer gets much more attention than the chill of winter. That’s fair enough. We don’t get buried by snow or hit by subzero temperatures the way that they do in other parts of the country. Don’t let this fact lead you to believe that your heating system is any less important than your air conditioner, though. If you need heating repairs in Fresno, CA, then you need them promptly. Waiting only causes more problems.

Of course, in order to schedule heating repairs as soon as possible, you first need to understand what the warning signs of heating problems look like. You don’t want to wait for your heater to break down entirely before you go ahead and have it repaired. That is hardly what we’d call a proactive approach. That’s why we’ve put together this guide of common heating red flags for you. Keep them in mind, and alert a member of our team the moment that you have any cause for concern.

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