Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘simple heat pump maintenance tasks’

Confused About Heat Pump Maintenance? What’s DIY and What’s Left to the Pros

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Confused About Heat Pump Maintenance? What's DIY and What's Left to the ProsOther than the simplest tasks, heat pump maintenance should generally be left to the pros. Lack of expertise and training on the part of homeowners means it can be dangerous to attempt to maintain the system, not to mention that improperly done maintenance may lead to future malfunctions and increased energy costs, too. Attempting to perform anything but the simplest heat pump maintenance yourself also may void any warranties the system has, or agreements with your HVAC contractor. Qualified HVAC technicians, on the other hand, undergo extensive training to care for heat pumps. Here are the straight facts about what homeowners can do to maintain their heat pumps, and what tasks should be leave to the professionals.

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