Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Ductwork’ Category

Seal Your Ducts And Protect Your Conditioned Air

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Seal Your Ducts And Protect Your Conditioned AirDucts play a crucial role in heating and cooling your home. They deliver conditioned air throughout your home. Ensuring they’re properly sealed will reduce energy costs, maintain a higher level of comfort, promote safety, enhance the quality of your indoor air, and help protect the environment by keeping energy usage down. 

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When Extending Ductwork Proves Impossible, Ductless Mini Splits Provide The Solution

Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

 When Extending Ductwork Proves Impossible, Ductless Mini Splits Provide The SolutionIf you have recently added new rooms to your house, you may be faced with the challenge of how you’re going to keep them comfortable. Extending your existing ductwork system to distribute conditioned air to them may prove architecturally impossible or way too expensive to seriously consider. This is an ideal situation for a ductless mini split system.

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What Does A Trained Technician Take Into Consideration When Designing Ductwork?

Thursday, December 1st, 2011

In many instances, homeowners don’t consider the vital importance of ductwork functionality when addressing heating and cooling concerns. Yet your ductwork is the channel by which all conditioned air flows – which is why hiring a trained technician when designing the duct blueprint is crucial. Designing ductwork properly, along with professional installation, are essential for any HVAC system because your system is only as good as the ducts that carry the conditioned air.

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Your Thermostat, Your Furnace And Your Ductwork — Three Components Of Efficient Heating

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

There are three basic components of an efficient heating system: your thermostat, furnace and ductwork. They all work together, and when there’s a problem with one, they are all affected. Understanding a little bit more about them will help you get the best heating and comfort levels while saving on your energy bills this winter.

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What Goes Into Expert Ductwork Design And Installation

Tuesday, September 20th, 2011

Each component of your home’s heating and cooling system must be expertly designed and installed in order to function well and get energy-saving results. One component of that system is the ductwork. It’s the system that distributes air to the home after the heating or cooling system conditions that air.

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How Ductwork Efficiency Depends On Its Design

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Your ductwork plays a huge role in the comfort you feel within your home on a daily basis.  This is because it is solely responsible for distributing the conditioned air that your HVAC system generates.  If your ductwork design is flawed, even the most efficient HVAC systems won’t help you save money on your energy costs.  

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Getting Tired Of Being Indoors? Change Your Indoor Air With Ventilation

Thursday, August 18th, 2011

If you live in the Fresno area, you’re probably spending a lot of time indoors during the summer months and understand the difference between a home with good ventilation and one without. Having a properly ventilated home doesn’t just make the air in your home feel better, it’s safer for you to breath and helps avoid serious health problems.

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Summer Allergy Season Is In Full Swing: Here’s To Foster Your Indoor Air Quality

Thursday, August 4th, 2011

Most people who suffer from allergies know that trees, flowers and other plants outdoors can trigger allergy attacks, but what about indoor air quality?  You may not realize it, but the air inside your home is more contaminated than the air outdoors, sometimes much more.  Dust, smoke, pet dander and even excess moisture that harbors bacteria can lead to or aggravate allergies. What can you do when you’re tired of red eyes, sneezing and a runny nose?

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Your Home’s Energy Efficiency Counts

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011

Energy efficiency is a prime buzz phrase in the marketplace today, extending to areas such as automobiles, light bulbs, heating and cooling systems and many other aspects of daily living.  It’s no secret that individuals, organizations and governments are keen on increasing the energy efficiency of their systems, and in the U.S., there is a big push to come up with alternative forms of energy that will help the nation shed its dependence on foreign oil.  Energy efficiency is good for the environment, good for the economy and definitely good for those wanting to save money in their monthly budget.

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UV Lights: Fights Pollutants So You Don’t Have To

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Ultraviolet lights are highly efficient at neutralizing many air-borne pollutants that can plague asthma or allergy sufferers.  Installing these air-purifying aids in your HVAC system will give a quick and substantial boost to your indoor air quality.

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