Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘IAQ – Indoor Air Quality’ Category

Why Whole House Air Purifiers Are Better Than Portable Units

Monday, May 20th, 2024

In California, poor air quality is a persistent challenge for residents across the state. One significant contributor is the state’s unique topography, which includes valleys that trap pollutants, creating stagnant air masses. California experiences frequent temperature inversions, where warm air aloft acts as a lid, preventing pollutants from dispersing. This phenomenon is exacerbated by the state’s abundant vehicle traffic, industrial activity, and wildfires, which release harmful emissions such as particulate matter, ozone, and volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere. 

Many homeowners try to make do with portable air purifiers, but these have their limitations. Let’s go over why you should invest in whole house UV air purifier services in Clovis.

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3 Benefits that Come with an Air Purifier

Monday, April 24th, 2023

Did you know that the Environmental Protection Agency determined that Americans spend, on average, 93% of their time indoors? Maybe that doesn’t surprise you, but how about this one: indoor air typically has higher concentrations of contaminants than outdoor air. So if you’re going to spend so much time indoors, what can you do to make sure the air you breathe is clean? Consider an air purifier.

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3 Ways To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Monday, September 26th, 2022

The fall season doesn’t leave us battling with pollen nearly as much as the spring season does. However, we do still see a lot of extra airborne debris in our area, and that debris can easily make its way into your home.

Smoke from recent fires, dirt, and dust kicked up by high winds, and even animal dander can all make their way into your home and start to mess with your home’s indoor air quality. You shouldn’t have to just bear through this though. When your indoor air quality isn’t at its best, it means it is time to talk to one of our experts about how to clear things up. We have the systems and services you need to address the biggest Fresno indoor air quality issues in your house.

Your indoor air quality is a big factor to consider when you are thinking about both your home comfort and health. Poor indoor air quality can make things pretty uncomfortable while cleaner air in your home can make things much more pleasant. If you are trying to clean up your home’s airflow, we can help with any of the following options.

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When to Consider Adding a Dehumidifier to Your Home

Monday, June 6th, 2022

Does Your Home Have a Humidity Problem?High humidity levels are great when you are in a nice sauna working up a sweat. But things are different when you are at home, trying to keep cool! All the extra moisture in the air on a humid day makes it much harder to do so. And things are even worse when the inside of your home gets too humid!

If you are finding yourself battling humidity in your home just much as you are outdoors, then it may be a good idea to consider installing a whole-house dehumidifier in Fresno. We can tell you all about the signs that a dehumidifier installation is a good idea for your house.

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Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Monday, April 11th, 2022

woman-blowing-noseThe quality of the air in your home plays a large role in your overall comfort. Dirty air is going to hinder things more than you might expect. Poor indoor air quality is going to leave your HVAC system struggling to operate properly. It will also lead to issues with your respiratory health.

You don’t have to take this problem without help though. There is more than one way to address poor indoor air quality. With our expert services, you can enjoy cleaner air and better comfort in your home.

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5 Reasons You Should Get a Dehumidifier

Monday, June 7th, 2021

woman-with-fanAllergies can reduce even the strongest of us into a sneezing mess. It can be pretty stressful to have your productivity fluctuate based on your allergy issues. One minute you’re catching up with work, the next you’re completely debilitated.

Of course, there are several solutions to this common problem. A popular option for many is getting a dehumidifier. The good thing about this option, as opposed to others, is that it can help you out even if you don’t have allergies. If you’re looking for solutions related to indoor air quality systems in Fresno, CA, you can come to our team for help.

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Kick Off the New Year With Better IAQ

Monday, January 18th, 2021

woman-on-couchDid you know that your home comfort has two key parts? The first is, of course, the temperature in the house; the other is your indoor air quality. The air in your home can be ideal for keeping you warm in the winter or it can be a huge hindrance to your comfort.

Wondering what factors can be the bane or the boon for your home’s air quality? We can help. Our team of pros offers a wealth of information regarding your IAQ and some expert services to help you get the best air possible in your home. This will help your heater last longer too. Discover more below.

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Tips for Improving Your IAQ

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Houseplants Are Nature's Air PurifiersThe quality of the air inside your home, your indoor air quality if you will, is important to your comfort and your health. Many people don’t worry about the air inside their home, unless maybe it is smoky, because they don’t realize how the unseen particles or the visible dust motes can, over time, really mess up their ability to enjoy the time spent in their home.

When it comes to keeping the air in your home a little more clean than before, there are several solutions you can consider. From making sure you seal up air leaks to checking your insulation, here are five different ways to give your Fresno indoor air quality the boost it needs.

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Why Do I Need an Air Purifier?

Monday, October 28th, 2019

viral-bacteria-airborneAccording to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, it is flu season once again! Well, in actuality, the flu virus can strike at any time throughout the year but instances of people contracting the flu increases around fall and winter, starting in October.

We all know what to do: get our flu shots, wash our hands, stay well-rested and hydrated. But what if your home HVAC system could help keep you safe from this nasty illness?

The good news is, your air system actually can help protect you from unwanted germs and bacteria. It does this with the help of an air purifier which is made to specifically take down these types of contaminants before they enter your home

If you want to learn more about how an air purifier in Madera, CA can help protect your health, read on!

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Why Use an Energy Recovery Ventilator?

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

woman-blowing-noseWe’ve all been there. The heat rises, and we seal up our homes to run our air conditioners. Sure, the air gets a bit stale, but what are you going to do? It is not as though you can simply throw open the windows in your house to ventilate it better. After all, doing that would just allow the cool air that you’ve paid to condition escape.

Well, here at Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning, we like to stress that the temperature of the air in your home is not the only consideration to make. The quality of the air is equally as important. That is why we’d like to offer up a solution to this conundrum of balancing comfort, efficiency, and indoor air qualtiy. That solution is the use of an energy recovery ventilator in Clovis, CA.

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