Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

Is There a Clean Filter in Your Air Conditioner?

Monday, June 12th, 2017

changing-air-filterIf not, you had better get one in there sooner than later! As you may know — and certainly know, if you’ve visited our blog before — routine air conditioning maintenance is an absolute necessity for the homeowner looking to get the most from his or her air conditioning system. What you may not realize, though, is that, while we do generally dissuade DIY service attempts, there is one important task that you really should be handling on your own. That is changing the air filter in your air conditioner in Madera, CA.

Changing the air filter is a very simple thing to do, but it is one that can also have immensely positive effects on your air conditioning system and your comfort level. Keep the following information in mind for the next time you decide to skip a filter change. Remember, these types of filters typically need to be swapped out every 1-3 months, so you cannot wait for yearly maintenance to have the job done.

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Why Upgrade Your Thermostat This Summer?

Monday, May 29th, 2017

electric-fanTo answer the question posed in the title of this post very quickly: to save energy, reduce cooling costs, and live even more comfortably while doing so. Now, we know that this may sound too good to be true, but we are here to tell you that simply upgrading your thermostat in Hanford, CA can actually offer you such major benefits.

Just remember that, while a thermostat may not seem all that complex, only trained professionals can guarantee that your new thermostat is installed properly and integrated into your AC system at large correctly. Don’t waste your money on a new thermostat if you are not going to schedule the quality services that that thermostat needs to excel in its operation. Work with us, and you need have no such concerns.

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The Benefits of Using a Central Air Conditioner

Monday, May 15th, 2017

AC-outdoor-unitLiving in California means that homeowners have a lot to enjoy. The food, the sunshine, the culture, and the general atmosphere is more than enough to recommend the lifestyle. Ensuring that you are able to enjoy your days here as fully as possible also means that you need to take measures to keep your home comfortable, of course. While we don’t live in the hottest area of the state, it still gets warmer than is comfortable for most people regularly. That is why you need to have a great air conditioner in place.

If you are trying to keep a single room or a small apartment comfortable during the hottest time of the year, then window unit air conditioners may do the trick. They are far from ideal for cooling a whole house down, though. When temperatures soar, you want to cool your home reliably and affordably. That is why you really should opt for a central air conditioner in Clovis, CA instead.

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Why Choose Ductless Air Conditioning?

Monday, May 1st, 2017

ductless-blowerTemperatures are really starting to warm up now, and the hot days of summer are drawing closer. That’s good news for the countless residents in our area that have been patiently waiting for the season to start. It may not be that great of news for homeowners without great air conditioners ready to jump back into action, though. If you are installing a new AC in a new property, or if you need to replace an old, ineffective air conditioner, you should consider going ductless.

Ductless air conditioners in Fresno, CA have surged in popularity in recent years. When you consider all that ductless air conditioning has to offer, this really should not come as much of a surprise. When expertly installed and serviced, there are a lot of different ways that a ductless air conditioner can benefit you. Here are a few reasons why you should consider going ductless with your next AC system.

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Why Is My AC Blowing Warm Air?

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

How Do You Determine What Size Your Tankless Water Heater Should Be?Now that the chilliest days and nights of the year are behind us once more, many homeowners are turning their minds to their air conditioners. When the temperatures really heat up in this area, there is just no way to live in comfort without a great air conditioner working at peak performance levels in your home. That is why any problems with your air conditioner are of such serious concern. Perhaps with the exception of a total breakdown, the most obvious cause of air conditioning trouble is a system that is blowing warm air.

If you have warm air coming from your AC vents, you need to contact a member of our team right away. The longer that you wait to do so, the worse off your comfort and very likely your system will be. Don’t let manageable problems turn into very serious headaches due to inaction on your part. We’re here to guarantee that your air conditioning repairs in Fresno, CA are completed properly.

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Why Does My Air Conditioner Keep Turning On and Off?

Monday, March 20th, 2017

working-on-air-conditionerNow that it is officially spring, many homeowners throughout the area and, indeed, throughout the country are looking forward to the summer season. Hot temperatures, fun days at the beach, and everything else that comes along with summer is too enticing to just force it out of one’s mind. Just remember that, summers around here being as hot as they are, you really need to know that your AC is going to function at peak performance and efficiency levels if you want to get through the hottest time of the year unscathed. This is simply not going to be possible if your air conditioner is short cycling.

Sometimes, people think the fact that their ACs are running at all means that they are running properly. This could not be further from the truth. If your air conditioner in Fresno, CA is starting up, running only briefly, and then cycling back down quickly, then it is short cycling. This type of operation will take a toll over time, and in a number of different. But why does short cycling occur?

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Prepare for the Heat with a Whole-House Fan

Monday, February 6th, 2017

thermostat-is-risingWe know that it is early to start dreaming about hot summer days once more, but it is already February. That means that it won’t be too much longer before Spring arrives, with the hottest time of the year not too far behind. If you are thinking about how you can live comfortably while boosting efficiency this summer, all without replacing your entire air conditioning system, then a whole-house fan may be exactly what you’re looking for.

Whole-house fans have been around for decades, but they are definitely not as widely used as central air conditioning systems. This has something to do with issues common in older whole-house fans, but today’s systems are better than ever. If you are interested in using a whole-house fan in Fresno, CA, give the professionals on our team a call. We’ll make sure that your system is well-designed and expertly installed.

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Find Out How a Maintenance Agreement Can Help Your HVAC System

Thursday, September 24th, 2015

Find Out How a Maintenance Agreement Can Help Your HVAC SystemHome heating and cooling costs are responsible for nearly half of the energy consumed in the average home. To keep your heating and cooling bills as low as possible, regular HVAC maintenance is recommended and necessary. Regular maintenance also prevents small problems from becoming major repairs. Read on to learn how an annual maintenance agreement with a reputable HVAC company can improve your home efficiency and your HVAC system. 

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Why Replace Your AC System with Ductless Mini Splits?

Monday, August 31st, 2015

At some point, you are going to have to replace your air conditioning system. Considering just how intense the heat of summer can be around here, it should go without saying that you should choose your replacement air conditioning system with great care. One option which we strongly recommend you explore is the ductless mini split. It is no fluke that ductless air conditioners in Fresno, CA have become so popular, after all. If your existing air conditioner has broken down entirely, or if you just don’t think that it has much time left and are looking to schedule a preemptive AC replacement, just give us a call. Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning is happy to replace your AC for you, and we excel in ductless air conditioning services.

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Adding to Your Home? Learn About Your Air Conditioning Options

Tuesday, July 21st, 2015

Adding to Your Home? Learn About Your Air Conditioning OptionsAdding a new addition to your home is a multi-step endeavor. While interior and exterior designing can be part of the fun, you want to give thoughtful consideration to air conditioning options for home additions before breaking ground. Deliberate planning from the start is best to avoid costly oversights and mistakes. 

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