Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Clovis’

Can I Cool My Home without Ducts?

Monday, April 30th, 2018

ductless-blowerYes, you can—and no, you do not have to do so with multiple window unit air conditioners installed throughout the house. While these window units do have their uses, such as cooling a single dorm room or maybe a studio apartment, they are far from ideal for cooling an entire house. When the heat comes back to our area, and it will come back hard, you need to know that residential AC system is up to the task at hand.

That is why you should consider using a ductless mini split system in your home. The system may not be ideal for every home or every homeowner, but no system is. For those homeowners that the system is the right fit for, there is nothing that can compare to the many benefits that ductless air conditioning has to offer. Just remember that any air conditioner that you invest in is only as good as your air conditioning service in Clovis, CA.

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Have You Considered Radiant Heating?

Monday, December 25th, 2017

radiant-in-floor-heatingIf not, and you are ready to install a new heating system in a new home or to replace an existing heater, stop what you’re doing! Okay, that may be a little overly dramatic, but you really should not move forward with your project until you’ve given the option of radiant heating some attention. Radiant heating in Clovis, CA may not be quite as common as forced air heating, but the fact is that these systems have a lot to offer.

Today, we’re going to help you to better understand how it is that a radiant heater actually heats a home, as well as what the benefits of heating your home in this manner are. Upon review, you may just realize that a radiant heater is what you’ve been looking for all this time. While radiant heating is not right for every home and every homeowner—if it were, there wouldn’t be so many options to choose from—many homeowners swear by it.

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Do You Need Heating Repairs?

Monday, December 11th, 2017

chilly-manMany people seem to think that California is a warm, sunny place to be throughout the entire year. This could not be further from the truth, though. Just step outside once the sun’s gone down tonight, and you’ll see that California actually has plenty of cold weather to throw our way. With that in mind, it should go without saying that you need a great heater installed in your home if you hope to make it through the coldest time of the year comfortably.

Now, we have to remind you that even the best heaters out there, even when properly installed and routinely maintained, are still going to require professional heating repairs at some point. There is simply no such as a 100% reliable heating system—or mechanical system in general, for that matter. If and when you do run into the need for heating repairs, remember that scheduling them as soon as possible is always going to be in your best interest. That also means that you need to know how to spot them, though.

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AC Repair FAQ: Do I Have a Refrigerant Leak?

Monday, August 21st, 2017

AC-technician-workingEven the best air conditioning systems can be expected to encounter operational problems from time to time. Some of these problems are more serious than others, of course, and the refrigerant leak is one of the most serious of all. Refrigerant leaks can do serious, sometimes irreversible damage to air conditioners over time. They can also be tough to recognize, especially if you don’t know what it is that you are looking. That’s a bad combination, but we’re here to help.

Today, we’d like to share with you some of the warning signs that your air conditioner may be leaking refrigerant. Remember to schedule air conditioning repairs in Clovis, CA at the first sign of trouble with your system. Your air conditioner does not need to break down entirely for repairs to be justified, nor should you let the system get to that point before taking the initiative to have it repaired. And now, some tips to help you recognize a refrigerant leak in your system.

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AC Repair FAQ: Why Is There Ice on My System?

Monday, August 7th, 2017

question-markYou do not have to be an air conditioning expert to understand the purpose that your air conditioning system serves. It is there to keep your home cool and comfortable no matter how hot out it may get, right? Right. Well, it is precisely this understanding of the situation that can lead to some confusion among homeowners. Yes, your air conditioner is there to effectively and dependably cool your home. At no point, however, should your air conditioning system be generating ice.

An air conditioner is not a freezer, and it should not be producing ice at any point during its cooling process. We often receive calls from homeowners concerned about ice on their air conditioning systems, as well as from those wondering where the water that is freezing comes from, anyway. After all, air conditioners don’t use water to cool homes! In today’s post, we will answer all of these questions for you, while reminding you once again why prompt AC repairs in Clovis, CA are so important. 

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Why Use an Energy Recovery Ventilator?

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

woman-blowing-noseWe’ve all been there. The heat rises, and we seal up our homes to run our air conditioners. Sure, the air gets a bit stale, but what are you going to do? It is not as though you can simply throw open the windows in your house to ventilate it better. After all, doing that would just allow the cool air that you’ve paid to condition escape.

Well, here at Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning, we like to stress that the temperature of the air in your home is not the only consideration to make. The quality of the air is equally as important. That is why we’d like to offer up a solution to this conundrum of balancing comfort, efficiency, and indoor air qualtiy. That solution is the use of an energy recovery ventilator in Clovis, CA.

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The Benefits of Using a Central Air Conditioner

Monday, May 15th, 2017

AC-outdoor-unitLiving in California means that homeowners have a lot to enjoy. The food, the sunshine, the culture, and the general atmosphere is more than enough to recommend the lifestyle. Ensuring that you are able to enjoy your days here as fully as possible also means that you need to take measures to keep your home comfortable, of course. While we don’t live in the hottest area of the state, it still gets warmer than is comfortable for most people regularly. That is why you need to have a great air conditioner in place.

If you are trying to keep a single room or a small apartment comfortable during the hottest time of the year, then window unit air conditioners may do the trick. They are far from ideal for cooling a whole house down, though. When temperatures soar, you want to cool your home reliably and affordably. That is why you really should opt for a central air conditioner in Clovis, CA instead.

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The Age Old Debate: Gas or Electric Furnace?

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

Ah, yes, that is the question. Homeowners investing in a new heating system obviously want to ensure that they not only get a great heating system and that that system is expertly installed and serviced. They also want to know for sure that they’ve chosen the right heater for their personal user preferences to start with.

That is why we recommend that you seek the counsel of trained professionals when choosing your furnace in Fresno, CA. Our team will guide you in the right direction. Here are a few points of consideration to keep in mind.

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Upgrade Your Controls for Improved System Performance

Monday, December 5th, 2016

HVAC systems have some automated controls that you don’t have to worry about. This is particularly true in large, complex commercial HVAC systems. However, residential systems have their share of relays and contractors as well. While these components aren’t really of interest to most homeowners, there is one control that looms large in your life. That is the thermostat.

If you are interested in improving the overall performance of your HVAC system, as well as in saving money, then you may want to consider upgrading your thermostat in Clovis, CA. Two options that we recommend are wireless thermostats, and even more advanced smart thermostats. Let us know if you’re ready to incorporate a bit more technology into your HVAC system.

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How Does Heating Maintenance Benefit Me?

Monday, November 7th, 2016

You’ve seen us write about the importance of heating maintenance before. Now that November is underway, it is time to get serious about the performance of your heating system. This week we aren’t going to be answering your questions about whether it’s too early for heating maintenance. We’re going to give you examples of why you need to schedule maintenance if you haven’t already.

Your comfort is too important to take any chances with our home heating system. Dial our number today, and get your heater in Clovis, CA ready for the job ahead. With our help, you’ll be enjoying the great performance that you deserve from your heater in no time.

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