Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Madera’

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Monday, December 10th, 2018

solar-and-sunnyYou see them everywhere. Many people are moving towards eco-friendly energy options. Homeowners are now opting for solar panel installation for their home’s electrical needs. Adding solar panels to homes has become a popular way to take advantage of an endless energy source, and it can cut electric bills by up to 70%! There are so many benefits to installing solar paneling for your home, especially here in sunny California. Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning offers a wide range of solar panel services in Madera!

If you have found yourself reading this blog, it is most likely because you are curious about the science behind solar panels, so let’s start with the basics. Solar energy is derived from the sun’s radiation. The sun is a powerful energy source, and its energy can be harnessed by solar panels. We typically place solar panels on the roof because it is where they often obtain maximum sunlight exposure, though freestanding installations are also common. Solar energy is a renewable energy source. This means that it is endless, and we can’t run out of it. Solar energy will be accessible as long as the sun continues to shine!

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This Uneven Cooling Is Driving Me Mad!

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

yellingThe purpose of a whole-house air conditioning system is to cool your house, obviously. Using a central system to cool your entire home should result in even, comfortable temperatures throughout your entire living space. If you use a whole-house cooling system and you are struggling with uneven temperatures and hot spots in your house, then you have every reason in the world to be dissatisfied.

There are actually quite a few reasons why you may encounter this particular problem in your home. Whatever the precise nature of the issue may be, you obviously want to be certain that you are working with trained professionals that will resolve it completely. That means not only hiring a company that will fix the problem, but that will also diagnose the issue promptly and accurately the first time. So here are a few reasons why you may experience uneven cooling from your air conditioner in Madera, CA.

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Why Is My Air Conditioner Running Irregularly?

Monday, May 14th, 2018

AC-technicianOnce the heat of summer really gets back into full swing, is your air conditioning system going to be there for you in order to keep your home cool and comfortable? Obviously, investing in good equipment and keeping that equipment well-maintained by scheduling annual tune-ups is going to give your system a good fighting chance. The truth is, however, that even the best and most well-maintained systems will stumble from time to time.

Now, an air conditioner that won’t start up at all or that is pumping hot air into your home is an air conditioner that is obviously in need of professional air conditioning repair services. There are plenty of instances in which you may need AC repairs in Madera that aren’t quite as obvious, though. An AC that is running irregularly is certainly one of them. Just don’t fool yourself into thinking that such problems are “minor” enough to wait on.

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Is There a Clean Filter in Your Air Conditioner?

Monday, June 12th, 2017

changing-air-filterIf not, you had better get one in there sooner than later! As you may know — and certainly know, if you’ve visited our blog before — routine air conditioning maintenance is an absolute necessity for the homeowner looking to get the most from his or her air conditioning system. What you may not realize, though, is that, while we do generally dissuade DIY service attempts, there is one important task that you really should be handling on your own. That is changing the air filter in your air conditioner in Madera, CA.

Changing the air filter is a very simple thing to do, but it is one that can also have immensely positive effects on your air conditioning system and your comfort level. Keep the following information in mind for the next time you decide to skip a filter change. Remember, these types of filters typically need to be swapped out every 1-3 months, so you cannot wait for yearly maintenance to have the job done.

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Water Heater FAQ: Tank or No Tank?

Monday, April 17th, 2017

tankless-water-heaterAs spring progresses slowly but surely toward the summer season, the majority of homeowners are shifting their focus toward their air conditioning systems. Don’t get so preoccupied with thoughts of the warmer weather to come that you overlook your other systems and appliances, though. This is especially true of your water heater, which, unlike your heater or AC, does not have an off-season. If you are ready to replace an old water heater, or if you need to purchase one for a new home construction process, you need to choose that system carefully.

The two major contenders for most homeowners today are tank and tankless water heaters (though we also install and service solar water heaters). Because investing in a new water heater is a pretty major expense, and because you will rely on this system for so many daily tasks, it really is vital that you get the water heater best suited to your needs. When you schedule your water heater services in Madera, CA with us, you’ll have no doubt about it.

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Start Taking Advantage of Solar Energy!

Monday, February 20th, 2017

solar-pv-panelOne thing that we are not lacking for in this part of the country is sunshine. Because of this, many homeowners in the area are using solar energy systems in order to power their homes. Using solar energy has a lot of different benefits to offer homeowners. As you can imagine, setting up a solar PV system that will function as effectively and reliably as possible is not a job that just anyone can handle. There is no point in making the jump to solar energy in Madera, CA if you are not going to enjoy an outstanding performance from your system.

Fortunately for you, our solar technicians are here to eliminate that risk entirely. Not only can we design a great solar energy system for your home, but we also install products from top manufacturers in the clean energy industry. These include Enphase Energy and SolarWorld. Contact us today with any questions that you may have. 

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How Do Heat Pumps Heat Homes?

Monday, January 16th, 2017

We live in an area that does not experience the incredibly cold weather that Minnesota or Vermont do. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have to worry about heating your home effectively, though. Just because we don’t have to put up with temperatures regularly falling below zero doesn’t mean the chill of the winter does not affect us.

It does mean that we live in an area particularly well suited to the use of a heat pump, though. If you haven’t given much thought to using a heat pump in Madera, CA, you should fix that. Thanks to the unique method of heating that they employ, they can offer some truly great benefits. 

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A Loud Furnace May Need Repairs

Tuesday, December 20th, 2016

There is nothing better than coming home to a warm, cozy house on a chilly night. Of course, it’s a lot more difficult to enjoy your comfortable surroundings when your furnace is exhibiting signs of duress. The last thing that you want to do is ignore signs of trouble from your furnace. Loud noises should never be overlooked.

All furnaces make some noise when running, of course. However, there is a big difference between the sound of cycling on or blowing heated air through ducts and those alarming sounds we’ll discuss below. If your furnace in Madera, CA is giving you cause for concern, dial our number right away.

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Efficient Water Heating: Limiting Standby Heat Loss

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016

Your hot water heater works hard all year long. There is no off-season for the water heater, as there is for your heater and air conditioner. Hot water is a necessity in our homes, regardless of the temperature outside.

If you use a traditional tank water heater in order to heat water for use in your home, then you should know that this system is subject to some level of standby heat loss. This is the heat loss that occurs as heat in the water in the tank transfers through that tank into the air surrounding it. Here are a few tips to help you reduce standby heat loss from your water heater.

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When Do I Schedule Heating Repairs?

Monday, October 24th, 2016

We know that there are parts of the country that get much colder than it does around here, but that doesn’t mean that you can afford to take chances with your heating system. At some point, every heater is going to require repair services. When that point arrives, it is always in your best interest to schedule prompt heating repairs in Madera, CA. But how do you know when heating repairs are actually necessary?

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